#3gs hows we feeling
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welp. granny called this shit.
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ii-meeple-confessions · 16 days ago
hi its me im the person who sent the metags ask yesterday ,,,, i have a kind of dumb au idea that mostly just originated from me and my friends joking about how ii is somewhat connected to pressure since (iirc?) It had a collab/crossover with bfdi, which had a collab with regretevator, which had a collab with pressure a while back
i need to think this out more but for now i was kinda thinking that maybe Steve Cobs. Has ties to Urbanshade and i dunno. sent the mephones down to the hadal blacksite post-lockdown (not sure who Sebastian would be in this case,,,? same with P.AI.nter.) but didn’t fully think it through when it came to how waterproof they are, seeing as the hadal blacksite is at the bottom of the ocean. and i was thinking that at some point, mephone4 trips and falls into the water, kinda leading to this au’s equivalent of the s1 finale cliff scene where mephone4S sacrifices himself for mephone4 (this group of expendables if i can still call them that consists of mephone4, mephone4S, and mepad. mayyybe 3GS but i was thinking that he could potentially be p.ai.nter..?)
kinda considering having mepad die along the way but at the same time,,,,,, i want them to have. A somewhat happy ending seeing how miserable this concept would already be if you consider what the ending of pressure means for sebastian and p.ai.nter ,,,
this is a really rough idea but i just kind of wanted to share it because why not . Yay. Please refrain from killing me with rocks
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deepfakefart · 1 year ago
EDIT: please see @cliffsideview's replies for more info! Tragically it is sounding more probable that it was a suicide spurred by a long period of bullying. Every person who participated, every teacher who stood by, every legislator who is a proponent of the anti-trans bills – every one of them is complicit in Nex's death. Ryan Walters specifically has blood on his hands.
They're ruling Nex Benedict's death a suicide. Death due to "combined toxicity" of fluoxetine (Prozac) and diphenhydramine (benadryl). Let's explore this.
Fluoxetine is known to cause seizures at very high dosages but rarely causes death. In one case study, 1.4 grams of Prozac likely caused a seizure but not death in an adult woman. "A dose as low as 520 mg of fluoxetine has been associated with a lethal outcome, but there’s record of someone taking 8 grams of fluoxetine and recovering," according to Healthline. ("Associated with" does not necessarily mean the sole cause!) Diphenhydramine overdose has been known to cause death at doses of 20mg/kg or greater; in the USA in 2017, it was involved (but not necessarily the sole factor) in 3% of OD deaths according to the CDC. I've no clue how much Nex weighed but I based my math on a 100lb person. A lethal dose of diphenhydramine at that weight would have been approx 900mg. There is no known lethal dose of fluoxetine for humans. It can vary greatly but is generally safe and generally requires very large doses to cause seizures let alone death. There are no known serious drug interactions between these two drugs.
But let's say there is some interaction at unusually high doses that I don't know about because this is an extremely unusual combination for a suicide attempt. We know that Benadryl is much easier to OD on than Prozac is. So let's pull some numbers out of our asses and say 750mg of diphenhydramine plus 3g of fluoxetine equals lethal dose for a 100lb teenager.
The typical upper range of fluoxetine dosage is 80mg/day. If we assume that Nex was taking 100mg of fluoxetine/day and he had access to a full 30 day supply, that's 3 grams. Add confounding head trauma and diphenhydramine toxicity and...maybe???
But we're talking about someone downing a full or nearly full 30 day supply of high doses of fluoxetine AND about 30 tablets of Benadryl. And there were no signs until he entered the living room and collapsed? Fluoxetine toxicity can cause rapid heartbeat, irritability, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc. Diphenhydramine toxicity can cause confusion, irregular heartbeat, agitation, nausea, vomiting, etc. This combo seems like a very uncomfortable and unpleasant way to go and I'm meant to believe he was quiet, not vomiting, not agitated, not terrified – just walked into the living room and collapsed? Unless he was exhibiting those symptoms and Sue didn't say anything about it which doesn't add up either. She said Nex went to bed with a headache and we have audio of the 911 call. She mentions their eyes rolling back and their hands "posturing" (both those things could be related to brain damage or a seizure).
With the added complication of head trauma (blacking out due to head injury = concussion = brain injury), I guess death is feasible but this just doesn't feel right. I don't know. Maybe it was a perfect storm of circumstances but those two drugs are so hard to OD on, not to mention unpleasant to OD on, and this state is so hostile to trans people it's hard not to approach this with a TON of skepticism.
I hope the Benedict family had their own toxicology and autopsy done.
ETA: for the record, im not saying I agree with the suicide decision, I'm saying "I mean I guess technically it's possible but it seems highly unlikely and incredibly sus and I am not convinced"
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another-day · 6 months ago
time for another lovely EPISODE IN REVIEW!!! and boy, do we have a lot to discuss for this one
oh my gosh
that episode was insane, i’m still reeling from it, but let’s start from the beginning
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i remember seeing a post somewhere where someone was saying 3gs would most likely have a very ‘army general’ type personality, and i think that still holds, just not to the degree i intially thought
he’s someone who focuses on motivation and praise to not only please but get people to follow through. this is not in the way of manipulation, just in order to get what needs to be done, done. expanding on his personality like this was so interesting, especially interspersing his moments of fear with his moments of joy because he hadn’t seen other people in years. it really goes to show how cobs can negatively affect other characters than mephone 4.
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trophy has really grown as a character in the sense that he can now see the fundamental flaws in the persona of knife, though i do feel he’s still heavily guided in this by his own values. he has this firm belief that knife is similar if not the exact same as him; angry and violent. he breaks down all of the cracks in knife’s facade, but incorrectly so, which was interesting.
alongside this, knife is shown to still be perceived incorrectly to how wishes to be by many of the contestants. considering he’s trying to make such an effort to change and become a good person only for trophy to treat him like this is clearly dishesrtening to him. as much as he likes to build up his whole tough guy persona, in this episode and the last, we’ve seen that the words of others, especially those he considers allies, can really affect him. granted, trophy is no ally of his, but it still has an impact on him to be so shamelessly called out, even if a lot of it is assumption.
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i love that they make everyone’s attempts to comfort suitcase feel so condescending in order to emphasise her confusion and disarray in terms of the situation. this feels like a circus, where suitcase is realising she’s a clown for being fooled. i love her reaction to realising nickel and balloon are friends because she has that underlying anger, yes, but more than anything else she’s confused and upset. soooo cool.
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i nearly screamed but it was two in the morning when i was watching this so i did not.
but oh my gosh, the idea of “deleting” a character is horrifying. as taco put it, seeing “the life drain out of him” must’ve been horrifying for her. this, oj’s, and nickel’s deletion are only amped up by this prospect of having people around to see the life drain out of someone they were once friends with.
also why did it have to be pickle. literally what did he do.
also also, now we know what happened to toilet i guess.
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forshadowing cobs being able to see wherever they go, alongside how everything of theirs in under control, even if not by cobs.
cobs is meant to parallel mephone 4 in this scene. his advertisment is very “brainwash”-y, and it emphasises what a hold he used to have on people and the control he once held through his creations. similarly so, through the reveal at the end, WHICH I’LL GET TO, we see that mephone similarly has control over all of the contestants, whether direct or otherwise. so very peculiar really.
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depicting the death scenes like this was brilliant. a persuing entity, sounded by alarms that only the person who is to be killed can hear is a horrifying concept, and something so horrifying from an outsider perspective.
imagine this from paper’s perspective: you’re arguing with your best friend about the amount of tasks you’ve been given for so little credit, and you finally admit everything that’s been bothering you. instead of the reassurance you usually receive, your friend stands there in shock before asking “do you hear that?” you hear nothing. the fear on his face grows and he backs against the door, crying for something you can’t see to ‘stop’. you’re confused, but before you can question it, he’s dead, spilled. any semblance of life in him as disappeared, and everyone is terrified.
this was so masterfully executed all the times it happened; taco’s incoherency when she was found with pickle, the hotel’s reaction when oj spills, and baseball’s silence and shock as he re-enters after nickel’s death. it sets up a tone of horror, and shows just how unaware everyone truly is. soooooo very cool.
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it was so cool seeing the purgatory crew again because i really missed these goofy guys. but it really gets you thinking about what role they’re going to play.
unlike bow, all of the “deleted” contestants have had their melife icons completely removed, so that begs the question; will they be turned into ghosts at purgatory mansion? bow states in the episode that it took her a while to appear in the mansion, so it gets you thinking if deletion counts as a perma-death, and those killed will be turned to ghosts.
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knife’s very impersonal handling of this situation versus suitcase’s gentle assurance and questioning really brings out the difference between these two.
this scene is meant to make knife seem foolish for wanting to rush by all this, but that’s not what knife intends to look like, again bringing back this idea of misunderstanding his actions. knife doesn’t like focusing on what’s around him when he’s been given a clear objective, getting information to find cobs in this case. alongside this, he doesn’t have the same understanding of what 3gs has been through as suitcase, yet he tries, to a degree, to understand this individual. when knife isn’t given the information he needs, he looks for his own means of finding it, and moves ahead.
suitcase on the other hand is shown to want to take it slower. unlike knife, she’s more invested in the story than the lesson or outcome. this is something normally detrimental to someone in a finale, but due to their working together, knife doesn’t really get too far ahead of her. she wants to understand motivations for actions so that she can figure out how to respond, whereas knife just wants to, for lack of a better phrase, cut to the the chase. very interesting.
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now, the titular reveal of the episode, “the reality of the situation”, if you will.
despite how of guard i was caught, this makes perfect sense.
though i don’t really like season three, cabby has a scene where she freaks out when questioned about her parents. i initially thought this had something to do with her memory issues, but this explanation makes much more sense. bot knew about theur parents because their parents actually exist, cabby’s did not.
no character ever talks about their past, nor their parents, nor their motivation to join the show. it all quite literally starts from the first episode, and picks up from there. that is why mephone can regenerate them. that is why when mephone dies they can’t be regenerated, because as their creator, he was the only one capable of REcreating them. its an incredible reveal, and a very well working one.
all in all, this episode was phenomenal. the chracter work and development and storyline were all so well done and i totally adore it. episode 15 was very character focused and took a step away from the plot. this episode on the other hand took the plot and bolted with it, scattering all slrts of bombshells on the way.
i love this episode because it shows unity and disharmony and everything really feels like its coming together and i’m so excited for the next episode.
till next time lovelies!!!
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cobbnonthejobbn · 9 days ago
I liked the ending to ii (the contestants killing cobs, mephone getting to meet 3GS on slightly better terms and cobs getting to be unapologetically evil)
But one thing I’ll never forget is “I,I” it was such whiplash for me and it’s not like I wasn’t expecting a really lighthearted ending to the show but it felt like they didn’t really let the characters breathe (at least that’s how I felt)
Because so many characters died (mepad,cobs and knife sorta) and the characters talk about it for like a hot second before they all go off and sing a song about their adventures
Like we see mepad’s closest friends upset about his death like taco cried and had a light verse (I mean rlly light all we get is a png of them during it) about him in “I,I” and mephone and toilet had a line or two about how kind mepad was but. Like that’s it. Mephone says how much mepad cared about the contestants but we don’t really get his personal opinion of mepad or his death.
Mr cobs fucking explodes and mephone, (the person he literally abused for years) has barely anything to say about it. They all literally kill a man and then just act like it didn’t even happen. Like I get the contestants don’t have a connection to cobs that would make them care but mephone literally doesn’t give a shit for some reason. He doesn’t talk about feeling conflicted about cob’s death or even that he feels free of him, he doesn’t really bring up his own feelings about anyone’s death
Now don’t get me wrong I loved the ending and I’m glad we got the one we did but they didn’t really touch on anything besides some surface level interactions of feeling upset or liberated
Like again. They all sing a song about not letting the show define them as people and we don’t even get anything more then a single line from marshmallow about mepad. It just feels like they realized that they threw all that death and angst at us and were quick to shove everything to the side so they could get some feel good content in there.
Also my goat 3GS didn’t even get the meet the others or talk to knife and suitcase again so that sucks. I really do wish that we at least got an interaction between suitcase and 3GS because we very rarely (outside of 4s) see the contestants interact with anyone from meeple besides mephone (even mepad very rarely has one on one conversations with the contestants)
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hoodedjelly · 2 months ago
Pardon the double ask, I’d also love to hear your thoughts on some Inanimate Insanity questions if you wouldn’t mind!
Thoughts on the Shimmers? [I personally find them super fascinating but there’s so little lore to chew on!]
The MePad tragedy… Do you think they could fix him, seeing as they have two very capable people who already built a whole person?? [You can probably guess my thoughts on this XD]
Favourite charcter(s)/character dynamics? I myself have a soft spot for the begrudging-turned-close friendships we see, like with Nickel and Balloon, MePhone and Floory, and Lightbulb and Paintbrush!
I'll do this ask first cause i wanna spice things up and talk about ii now.
Thoughts on the Shimmers? If i'm being honest i don't have any strong feelings about them. when i was watching ii i did get spoiled on bots new look and the whole time i was just like "oh they must come from that egg!" and then the egg became an egg creature from an egg species. So i was just like "OK I GUESS WE DOING CIRCLES NOW????". I was hoping for a really cool looking alien design, but i accepted that they are just eggs. I'm crossing my fingers for the next season to talk about their lore more, and just other alien species maybe since now it is confirmed there are more then just cobs and ii. How did cobs know about the shimmer? was he a fucking space war criminal??? there must be more objects out there that's not made by mephone. it honestly makes me really excited!!! i know they're not going to go straight onto the lore stuff for season 4, but i'm just so excited on who would even be the HOST next season, is there even gonna be a host???? SO MANY QUESTIONS AND IM EATING THEM UP!!!
Thoughts on MePads Death: mepads death was very much a shock for me, i'm in the ballpark where there's no way they're just going to leave him dead, cobs is dead, they can raid his place for parts. there's test tube that can save him. like there's so many variables that CAN save him it just makes sense that he would come back. But they can also be fucked up and evil, keep on going on the theme with "death is forever now" and that starts with mepad. I fear mepad is just another one of those burning questions i can't wait to see get answered on season 4
Favorite character(s)/character dynamics: OH JOY HOW I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS! i do love the bright lights group a lot, fan, test tube, paint brush and lightbulb. Have a soft spot for the final 2, suitcase and knife, but i think that's just because I've been around them the most the whole season. LOVE bot, floor, mepad and mephone4. I'm also very smitten on mephone3gs, i love his whole "space adventuring super hero from the 50s" voice, it's the right amount of cheese for me and i eat it up. My favorite dynamics are just the same fav characters i listed. fan and test tube are just two autistic nerds in love. paint brush and light bulb is a dynamic i constantly eat up "the hot head and they happy one". when i saw them i knew ii got me and there was no escape from my predictable self. i do actually like knife and pickle a lot! mephone4 and 3gs is a dynamic i can't wait to see in the next season. mephone got a new older brother thats a badass space adventuring super hero LIKE COME ON THATS SO CUTE. the last scene with them hugging literally makes me tear up every time. I can only just imagine, depressed mephone just like eating his life away on the couch and sg3 is just trying to help him with his space captain attitude.
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anyway here's this little doodle of my fav group that i forgot to post
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ehh-is-the-name · 2 months ago
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reposting this from Pinterest 'cause it makes me ill.
This dynamic makes me AOUGHHH. I will say after the show ended I haven't thought too much about them, aside from the passing "thank fuck they're free," but I feel like this isn't quite it.
As an angst lover, tearing these too apart would be, a chef's estranged kiss, but as I break down what 3gs is saying here. I just can't help but feel like it wouldn't stay like this. At some point, maybe between learning what Mephone has done and everything, 3gs might feel this way. The anger of being forever in the mental shadow of someone who could be considered worse than you is real...They're both technically pretty fuckin bad now that think about it. One aided in colonizing and destabilising a whole society and the other created and traumatized like 30 people. Both are pretty bad.
I love this and hate this dynamic for them- I love the meeple plot point so much you don't understand oh my fuckign god
Text from img under the cut:
As I delve deeper into your activities, I realize more and more how immersed you are in your grief. I feel anger towards you, because you had the opportunity to be saved, unlike me. Fear is the only thing I live by. I am the consequence of a deep fear of mistakes, I erased my sanity for the sake of your existence. You are the logical outcome of my sacrifices. You and I are alike. Both shells with an artificial soul, our emotions and feelings are not caused by chemical reactions of the mind, but are predetermined by a built-up program inside us. We are the product of experiments conducted by Meeple organization under the leadership of Steve Cobs. Our creation is aimed at ensuring his future and success. But the perfection of our creator is limitless, he will never be able to admit to himself that he is weak. Easily get influenced by your fears, your hatred. Steve Cobs is afraid to look at me after my failure, because my failure is his burden. He was responsible for ensuring my capabilities, he trained me and guided me into action. But I failed and felt the disappointment of Cobs. Looking at me, our creator comes up with the idea that he is not perfect, because he left me to suffer mental anguish in the dark places of his office. I literally became the embodiment of his nightmares. But you are a gift from heaven, a godlike creation. Your capabilities are equal to the higher powers. Steve Cobs is obsessed with the fact of your existence, he feeds on everything you live on. You are perfect, truly perfect with your embedded qualities. You have directed your gift to compensate for your emptiness, and your emptiness is due to your stay in Meeple. There you realized what it feels like to think that your existence is meant for the well-being of your creator, you are just a goal, a thing and a machine. All conscious Meeple products have survived this devaluation of their own importance. Everyone had to put up with it, except you. You've got the same rotten fate that guided Steve Cobs. You created people, conscious people, and cursed their lives for years to come. They didn't even know that you were the cause of their troubles. You condemned them to torture in order for them to fulfill the purpose of playing the role of participants in your show, which you organized to prove to Cobs that you are something more than just a machine. You continued the activities of your tormentor, completely copying his behavior. You... you selfish asshole have never been able to comprehend the full weight of the damage done to your own reality. You and I are both doomed, but I am doomed because my mental integrity was destroyed not by my will. And you are a careless infantile and a victim of your own troubles, you are to blame for your moral ruin. It is sad to see that you will never, again, never be able to rely on reality, you disgusts me. You are driven by fear, just like your creator.
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pandagyaru · 1 year ago
This isn't 2023 or whatever you just said
Deadpool x 2009 Gender neutral reader
Early 2000s au with my favorite man with a very big uh
Personality.... yeah personality lolz
Anyways my thought process is like, what if dp goes back in time on accident and needs to find out what year it is. Like 2009 or something. But he meets the prettiest little human, aka you dollies!
P.s: Your apartment is like all rooms in one, kinda like dps in the movie, except your bathroom is private, LMAO.
P.p.s: the reader is very no descriptive. Besides the fact they wear glasses!
A swirling noise fills the dark void of your open space apartment. You sit up in bed and slide your sleeping mask up on your forehead. A purple and orange hole in the abyss that is your living room. You blink the eye crusties and boogers away as you stare at it, blinking like a frog as you get used to the strange light. A red and black clad body shoots through the portal, landing on your comforter.
"WHAT THE FUCK" You shout, crawling up to your headboard. You hurry and flick on your bedside lamp to get a good look at the dead body? You don't know if the person is dead or not, but God, you didn't wanna find out. It suddenly sits up with a gasp, its head snapping towards you. It points at you.
"YOU! WHERE AM I?" The voice is masculine, so you're assuming it's a guy. I mean, you're hoping what you're assuming is right. It may be 2009, but you'd hate to misgender this stranger in your bed.
"Uh, you're in my apartment. May I ask where the fuck you came from?" You ask, leaning over and grabbing your glasses of your nightstand, slipping them on your face.
"Right, your apartment. I came from a mansion, not mine. Like a friends mansion" He explains, looking around at all your "ancient" looking belongings. "Say is it 2023?"
"Huh? 2023? No, it's 2009. Are you okay? Did you hit your head on my bed post? Like, I understand you like spawned in my apartment, but I dont think time travel is possible. doctor who" you joke, nudging your foot at him. His head whips to you.
"2009?" He asks. You nod and pull out your iPhone 3G, turning it on and showing him the date.
"Yeah. It's also 3 am. So, if you're staying, my couch pulls out into a bed. I do have to warn you, I have work at like 9 am" You tell him, getting up incase you have to pull the couch bed out. He looks over at your couch and then back at you.
"Or we could share this cozy ass bed you got yourself here." He flirts, leaning back on your bed and trying to seem seductive. You blush.
"I'll pull out the couch" you mutter, speed walking over to the couch. You bend over to grip the metal bars under the couch cushions.
"You're supposed to remove the cushions' first sugar butt" He says, standing up and walking over to you. Your face feels hot at the petname. "Its like a sleepover! All we need is movies and snacks"
"I have work, remember?" You state, picking up and throwing the couch cushions. The bed sliding out and setting itself down on the hardwood floor. He looks over at you.
"Yeah, at 9am. When did you go to bed?" He asks. You look over at him.
"Like 8pm. I was exhausted today"
"So you've had 7 hours of sleep. If we watch one movie, you'll get like 5 more hours. You'll be fine" He says, plopping his leather clad fat ass (I just had to specify that btw) on the couch bed. You think it over. You sigh.
"Fine, but we're watching catwoman. Halle Berry is gorgeous in that movie" You say, walking over to your DVD rack. You crouch down to read all the titles of movies you have. You find the movie you want and peek over your TV stand to your DVD player. You put the movie in. "Have you ever seen this movie?" You ask, walking back over to thr couch bed. Deadpool wades (HA GET IT?) over his response. The truth is he hasn't seen it in fucking forever.
"I have, but it's been a while," He answers.
"Oh yeah how long? I watched it the other day"
"About 15 years. Give or take"
"It came out 5 years ago..."
"Right right its 2009"
"Wait so you're actually from the future? Holy shit. What's life like?" You jump up and grab his shoulders.
"Technology is definitely better then what you have in this place. I'll tell ya that for free. God your phone is God awful" He jokes, smashing his hand on your face.
"Hey, that's the latest phone! I'm cool!" You shout, grabbing his wrist, trying to pull his hand off your face. He laughs. "I know we just met. But would you be able to show me what 2023 looks like?" You ask, looking into the whites of his mask.
"Uh, i don't know if it transports more then one person. But I could try." He mutters, watching the way your eyes light up.
The night ended with you falling asleep on him halfway through the movie.
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kaleaido · 6 months ago
So... episode 16 huh?
Okay guys, what the FUCK WASTHATTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!1! that was. wow. oh my god. wow. okay I need to sit down. I'll be doing the bullet point breakdown again cause my thoughts are everywhere:
THE ANIMATION IS PHENOMENAL??? The art in general is AWESOME ii2 always had really fluid and cinematic animation imo but GOD this is such eye candy
Seeing the III contestants ISFUCKING SCARY I DIDN'T THINK WE'D GET TO SEE THEM AT ALL??? I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA BE MENTIONED??? They look soo weird in the old art style but this is cool I like it
II SUDDENLY TURNED INTO A MUSICAL WHATT!!! Steve Cobs song certainly was not on my bingo card but here we are. hate that guy but man he got a good voice
I'm digging the payjay angst but I didn't think that was a segue TO KILL OJ?????WHY WAS THAT SCENE SO GOOD. I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH IT WAS HORRIFYING!!! THE ENTIRE SEQUENCE OF MEPHONEX APPROACHING THE CONTESTANTS WASSOASHDGHWAHWASHJD But real talk, does this imply that Toilet was created by Mephone in some ways???
Hi guys I'm actually not okay with us seeing characters that are in pairs be separated. Mm yeah. OJ, Soap, Nickle. Yeah. I'm not okay that they spent the episode showing these characters hanging with their friends only for them to die. Yeah.I'm not okay seeing their friends being in complete shock of what just happened. Yeah. Mh yeah.........
THE HAUNTED MANSION GUYS ARE BACK YAYYY!!!!! and they were roomates <3 (dough i hope you die the second time)
Knife and Suitcase interactions are so well written I can't get over them. Also the way both of them handle 3GS isSOOEUAHGH I lovee 3GS
Knife and Trophy. Need I say more
Suitcase, Nickel and Balloon. Need I say more
Steven Cobs is horrible I hate him but he was also the most entertaining character in this. Him putting Mephone on speaker phone isEVIL I HATE HIM!!!!!! also never realised that he was so egotistical to name his products with "Me" in them that's such Steve Cobs things
THE PLOTTWIST IS SO. DEVASTING. IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT FOR HOURS NOW. SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT MEPHONE WAS JUST ROLEPLAYING WITH HIS OCS????? SERIOUSLY???? This just makes so much sense but it's also so horrible. like how many of the stuff tthat contestants did was intentional??? Is this why Bot was one of Mephone's favorite contestants? because they were "real"???
Also quick thing but I just hopped off from Brian's stream just now and he said something along the line of how BP is the opposite of Steve Cobs. Which just makes me wonder if like. did Mephone ALSO make BP??? Did he make someone he could look up to as a healthy father figure??? This is making me insane
yeah my brain is absolutely jumbled right now. if anyone still want to yap on about ii16 hit my dm please I still don't know how to feel about this act. LIKE YEAH It's awesome I love it but wow......is the emotional damage really worth it....
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emmkitt · 5 months ago
y do u think theres gonna be 4 parts? i curious :3
well for one, im stupid. and for two. uh. i actually cant rember.
part of me feels like 3 would be too obvious
also season 4. the folder
also i saw something before on like reddit or something about how the thing all the og deleted contestants had in common was they all placed fourth in a season. excpet oj. but oj was eliminated fourth in a season. and box was too. and box is already dead probably. and that covers all the contestants eliminated or who placed fourth. except lightbulb. but shes also dead now so its fine.
also mephoneFOUR
dude id actually be an AWESOME conspiracy theorist all of this is probably just coincidental bullshit. i think its most likely there will be 3 acts and thats it. but part of me prays for 4.
although seeing as theres still so many things left to resolve. steve cobs and mephone, 3gs, purgatory mansion guys, the shimmers, zoetrope come back,,,,, i HOPE they dont try to resolve it in one more act. and if they DO, hopefully its like an hour long or something.
(oh also i think it was brian who said the series was gonna end around christmas. so if we follow the same episode monthly thing. two more acts would put the show end in december)
oh also my current follower count
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florshedworf · 6 months ago
i love 3gs but there are some things that are. missing. we heard the shimmer’s side of the story and pieces of 3gs’ side but we’ve never seen the full side of what happened BEFORE they broke through the shell.
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we get an explanation from the prime shimmer but it feels like some details were skimmed over.
exactly WHAT happened before they broke through the shell?? HOW did they break through the shell???
i’m not saying that their spaceship COULDN’T have broke through if but i find it weird 3gs didn’t even mention it. i know story relevance n all that but i need to know the fill story. what the hell
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ii-meeple-confessions · 17 days ago
Heart me out-
AU where the main algebraliens are mephones reincarnations
Mephone1 and 3g reborn in one(don't ask)
Mephone3gs reborn in three
Mephone4 reborn in four
Mephone4s reborn in two
Mephone5 reborn in five
Mephone5s reborn in nine
Mephone5c reborn in six
Mephone6 reborn in seven
Mephone6+ reborn in eight
Mephone7 reborn in ten
Mephone7+ reborn in zero(the main in 2763 special)
MephoneX reborn in fourteen
Mepad reborn in x
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ungodlycouple · 2 months ago
rambling about some of my aromantic spectrum headcanons below
knife is arospec and suitcase is aromantic and theyre in a queerplatonic relationship. knife wouldn't want to ever be tied down in a traditional relationship. he could accept casual dates, but ultimately finds more fulfillment in his closest confidants. suitcase desires a dynamic where she can fully entrust every part of herself with someone. they're each others' main person post-finale and can act as caretakers to one another (like if suitcase is experiencing her hallucinations or when knife is feeling depressed)
nickel is aroflux and balloon is arospec and they don't have a label for their relationship, they dont feel the need for one bc at the end of the day they deeply care about each other a lot. nickel struggles with his identity because at first he internalizes it as a flaw of sorts, but balloon helps him realize what aromanticism is and how expansive of an identity it is. they're complicated bc hashtag communication issues. balloon is very comfortable with his identity and feels more loose with how he interprets relationship dynamics. at the end of the day, they both desire someone they can have a good time with and someone they can trust.
oj is arospec and paper is gray-romantic. others might see them as a typical romantic relationship, they're unsure how to define themselves, they're best friends first and foremost because of how long they've known each other. oj took a while to realize he might have some sort of non-platonic feelings for paper because he unconsciously assumes everyone is arospec to a degree. paper sometimes daydreams about relationships, but almost never actually pursues it. it took them a while to communicate how they were feeling towards each other. paper and oj could be frog and toad if we tried hard enough.
apple is arospec and marshmallow is demi-romantic. their relationship blurs the lines (they probably wouldn't know what a qpr is and i don't think they would label themselves that way, they just know they're most happy with each other regardless if others perceive it as platonic or romantic) apple wouldn't register that she's arospec bc she truly doesn't think about it at all, she knows she likes marshmallow in some way and never knows how to verbalize it. marshmallow could never do casual relationships/flings, she has to be very close with someone and even then, it takes a long time for those feelings to build up and she wouldn't know how to define them. all they know is that they're dedicated to each other and wouldn't change that for the world.
test tube is aromantic and wouldn't want a qpr, she's very comfortable being single and is very dedicated to her friends and scientific endeavors. science is her love in a way and that's where she feels most passionate in life. she wants to be the best friend she could be first and foremost.
fan doesn't label himself (the closest label would likely be gray-aro or demi-romantic but he doesn't think of it too much) he probably had a hard time understanding this about himself because it almost never comes up in his life and his fixations take up most of his time. his focus in life is detaching himself from the identity of the show and regaining a better understanding of himself.
mepad and mephone are arospec too (but not because theyre robots). mepad doesn't feel romantic feelings and finds more fulfillment from helping the contestants and being the best advisor he can be. if he lived life outside of the show and without the restrictions of being in meeple, he would be that friendly neighbor that lends a hand and be lost in his own world of interests. mephone on the other hand has trouble even making friends, if someone were to flirt with him he would be more confused than anything. mephone feels more fulfilled by indulging in his creative interests. mephone also now has 3gs for company and focusing on his brother bond would be his main priority in life.
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heyitsdrawey · 2 months ago
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My new years contribution. yea its cabdraw again sorry. sorry we're all out of other stuff it's literally just cabdraw/silly
So like.. I gotta say, I am kinda nervous about what's coming. I'd rather the series end on a banger than have a halfhearted sequel or something like that.. but I trust the team rn! I don't think they're gonna let us down hehe :3
Stuff I'd like to see in the future:
I think it goes without saying but I'm gonna say it anyway. One of my friends had the idea that instead of a winner's interview like they planned on doing, we get a primarily-cabby-pov episode in the "season 4" or a short, or whatever they're calling the new project(s). Maybe Suitcase talks with her after watching season 3 for herself, seeing how she used to be treated, and helping Cabby reconcile where she wants to further repair bonds. I feel like Suitcase understands her in that regard, being (mis)treated differently by people she thought she could trust. It'd be cool to see how the other characters who didn't receive her well would treat her going forward, and her bond to Suitcase growing and flourishing.
I'd REALLY like to see the Shimmers and their society. I have oc lore with the Shimmers and really want to know how their society works, both inside and outside the palace. They introduce a WHOLE NEW, EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACE, NOT MADE BY MEPHONE4, and they BARELY elaborate??? Cmon! I wanna see what they're like! XD
A peek into Cobs' upbringing could be really interesting as well. Not only could we learn about how objects outside of MeLife work and socialize, but we could learn why Cobs is the way he is. Did he have a normal upbringing, or was he abused too? Why is he estranged? What made him want to hit it big in the corporate world?
MEPHONE 3GS/4 BONDING... PLEASE... WHAT IS HE GOING TO DELVE INTO SINCE HIS SHOW IS DONE?? I want to see how Mephone4 expresses himSELF, what his independence looks like. I want to see how 3gs ties into that, how 4's clear need for family bonds influences that.
Either way, I trust the team with this. I think we're gonna get something good. We gotta stay hopeful! :3
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race-week · 10 months ago
hello!! i apologise if you’ve already answered/this is a really dumb question but what does g-forces mean? how much force is 1G equivalent to? thank you <3
Hi, no worries
In short g Force is a measure of acceleration. It stands for gravitational force and it describes the force exerted on an object due to acceleration.
When an object accelerates, decelerates, or changes direction, it creates g-force
1g is the acceleration that we feel due to the force of gravity, we experience 1g just going about our day to day lives.
Most humans can survive up to about 4-6g which is 4-6 times the force of gravity
Fighter pilots can manage up to 9g for a second or two
Astronauts experience around 3g on lift off.
In F1, drivers are exposed to extreme g-forces during races, especially when they are cornering, braking, or accelerating. The force exerted on their bodies can be several times their normal body weight.
g forces are the reason why F1 drivers need such strong necks.
When we talk about g force in F1 there’s usually two topics, g force in a corner and g force in a crash.
When drivers manoeuvre through high-speed corners, they are subjected to lateral or sideways g-forces that push them towards the side of the car.
These forces could be up to around 5g which means that the force on their bodies is around 5 times their normal body weight. An 80kg driver would feel the force would feel the force of around 400kg pushing sideways, whilst cornering.
Typically drivers experience around 2g whilst accelerating and up to 6g whilst braking.
Then there’s g force in regards to crashes, whenever there is a big crash in F1 you’ll often hear that the crash was Xg (X being a number), this is because g force is a measure of acceleration or in this case deceleration
These numbers can be quite scary when you see them as they tend to be quite large, for example Grosjean’s crash in Bahrain in 2020 was recorded at 67g, generally this is an indication of how quickly the car stopped so a crash where the car was going at high speed and then was stopped suddenly will have a higher g force number, than a car that maybe hit multiple barriers before it came to a stop.
A higher g Force number in regards to a crash doesn’t always mean a ‘worse’ or more dangerous crash as the car is designed to absorb this impact.
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rolandkaros · 3 months ago
That Igaryna gif is killing me 😭 Iga being completely oblivious to Aryna's awkwardness every time they interacted this year was hilarious. I do wonder why Aryna has become so weird (in a good way) about Iga, like why did she suddenly start talking about her in the media 24/7 and acting all nervous/awkward around her? It's very interesting
timing of this ask is incredible bc i literally just restrained myself from going crazy in the tags about them lmfao.
but THIS. is literally their whole vibe. and i was even gonna say like that gif is basically their whole dynamic summed up.
i think a lot of it is just timing tbh, because this i think is the first year where there was no obvious "gap" between the two of them (personal opinion that i think getting to no.1 last year was the big change for aryna). so whenever aryna talks about iga now it's not "my rival who is clearly better and way more successful than me" and instead "my rival who is somewhat more successful than me." and aryna even said it herself, that they're keeping it interesting, which i think circa 2022 was...not really the vibe. i think aryna is still in this position of thinking that she needs to play catch-up, and after winning two more grand slams + now with ye#1 and iga having a good season instead of an incredible season (lol), their levels look really comparable.
which is to say i think aryna is finally at the point where when she compares herself to iga and talks about their matches and their rivalry and competing for trophies and such, she doesn't feel like she has to undercut it with this tone of "ohh but she's just so much better than me so i'll just have to try my best and play my best tennis and hope that i can do enough" (<- literally what aryna sounded like in ~2022 talking about iga lol). so she is asked about/talks about iga because it's an actual conversation that can be had instead of just "what do you (#2 player with 0 gs) think about this player (#1 player with 3gs) who keeps kicking your butt"...like what could aryna even say. but now, like i said, they've actually quite evened out, so there's actually a lot of interesting conversations to be had about their rivalry.
i also think there's a couple things about iga that contribute. i think iga is very focused on herself (NOT in a conceited way lol, just that she tends to mind her own business) and as a result she doesn't really try to interact with aryna except if she's asked directly or they're playing each other. this was probably exacerbated as well by iga being #1 and previously quite far ahead of aryna, meaning there wasn't much reason (no offense) for her to talk about aryna other than being the next highest ranked player (which wasn't even always the case). so i think iga has naturally sort of been oblivious to aryna's opinion of her for the most part. and aryna is obviously quite extroverted so we see a lot more of her thoughts & feelings about stuff anyway.
additionally i think iga is very...how do i put this. her attitude is very clinical and logical with almost everything she does, and i think that affects both how she interacts with aryna on-court and how she talks about her off court. so like in that gif where she's clearly more focused on taking the picture than on what aryna's doing. if you watch her net handshakes most of them look almost the exact same from match to match (over-extending here to say it's like she decided at some point what the "right" handshake was and has been doing it ever since). even things like interviews, she has a very specific way of answering and talking about her tennis and whatnot. and obviously this isn't an iga-exclusive thing (it's called having a personality lol) but my point is that iga's personality and approach to tennis leads her to just not really notice or mention what others are doing in general, and to not output a lot of emotions or subjectivity of what she's doing herself.
all this leading to iga not really talking about aryna or interacting with her outside of tennis except to say "well yes of course aryna is a great tennis player we always have great challenging matches" and not much else. i think aryna conversely shares a more subjective perspective, which is partially due i think her personality but also because she just straight up has more to say about iga than iga has to say about her in terms of their competition.
going back to what i was saying at the beginning, i think this year was really the first time that they were in positions to interact with each other on level-footing (more or less). i think aryna would have been nervous/awkward around iga if they had interacted more previously but i lowkey think she viewed iga as out of her league (in a very literal tennis-sense lol). but now it's classic introvert/extrovert interactions where it's clear that they do not know how to act around each other and do not pick up on each other's cues or vibe.
which is how that gif happened. it was probably just instinctual from aryna to put her arm around whoever she's playing (extroverted) but the fact that there was clearly a moment where she went oh wait iga and i do not hug KILLED me. hilarious and devastating my god. and iga (as usual) is just not noticing at all because she's too focused on making sure she's doing the photo correctly.
also madrid where iga told aryna to her face "thank you for pushing me to be better" when aryna lost after having THREE MATCH POINTS and the worst part is iga was 100% being so sincere and aryna was contemplating murder because her rival basically just said "oop you almost got me haha."
also in cincinnati aryna was talking about "oh well yeah i had to keep it interesting because no one wants to watch a rivalry if its so obvious that one person's going to win over the other" and iga was like "oh yeah aryna i mean such a great player....what more is there to say?"
point being it's a pattern where iga is in her own little world doing her own little thing and aryna is Aware of Everything. summed up in that gif.
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